Participation 4.0. Toolbox

The Participation 4.0 project – changing perspective
Everyone has faced a digital barrier at some point. An unreadable text because the contrast to the background was too low. An incomprehensible explanation of how to use software. A too small button that you repeatedly miss on your smartphone. If there is also a physical or cognitive impairment, such barriers cannot be overcome. But they are easy to prevent. And those affected also have a variety of technical aids to compensate for their impairment. The prerequisite is that websites, apps or documents are prepared for this, i.e. barrier-free.
Participation 4.0 aims to raise awareness of digital accessibility in companies and public administrations so that people with disabilities can fully participate in public and working life
Making the digitalization of the world of work barrier-free
Digitization is a central topic for more and more industries and authorities. Companies and authorities that are well positioned digitally can react flexibly to situations such as the changed working conditions during the corona pandemic. Make digital work environments barrier-free right from the start.
Participation 4.0 toolbox provides targeted support in designing a barrier-free working world, as well as in designing barrier-free products and services for customers and citizens.
The tools support you in the work areas:
- Management.
- Procurement.
- Public relation.
- Development.
The toolbox is supplemented by training courses for authorities and small and medium-sized companies. More information about this on theTraining portal of the Participation 4.0 project.
For more information, please visit Participation 4.0.