Accessibilitech project

ACCESSIBILITECH provides solutions to such situations. The specific objectives of this project are as follows:
Review and update the existing system for identifying inclusive and accessible technology solutions in the EU and internationally and transform it into an active listening tool that allows for the systematic capture and collaborative analysis of experiences and solutions.
dentify, map and analyse innovative experiences and solutions that use technology to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities in the areas of teleworking, eLearning and online care services, analysing their main characteristics, success factors, scalability and transferability, potential.
Define, test and validate the process of scaling or transferring solutions to other contexts (purpose, territory, etc.) different from those of their origin with guarantees of success.
Institutionalise cooperation between partners and key stakeholders in the field by creating a long-term collaborative space that catalyses the capture, exchange and validation of information and knowledge on inclusive and accessible solutions.
Facilitate and accelerate the validation of the transfer methodology for those solutions that could potentially be scalable or replicable at EU level.
Disseminate information and knowledge about the most effective solutions by raising awareness of their added value for people with disabilities and for society.
Provide guidance on inclusive and accessible technology based on proven methodologies and analysis to contribute to the coherent implementation of EU legislation, policies and funds.
Develop inclusive and accessible technologies and promote awareness of the rights that derive from them.
- The Accessibilitech project consortium is made up of seven organizations, with Fundación ONCE as the leader, and Asociación Inserta Innovación, Digital Europe and EASPD as main partners. The last two represent the European networks specialized in services for people with disabilities and the industry. The project also has the collaboration of Social Economy Europe, European Disability Forum (EDF) and Philea Philanthropy Europe Association, which represent advocates of the right of persons with disabilities, and their social inclusion.
Do not hesitate to consult our Accessibilitech leaflet