
Advanced methodologies for identifying, evaluating and transferring innovative solutions for accessibility for people with disabilities.

At the IV International Conference on Technology and Tourism for Diversity, which is being held online until Friday

Fundación ONCE presents this afternoon within the framework of the IV International Conference on Technology and Tourism for Diversity ‘Accesibilitech’, a project that includes the most innovative accessible technology in the areas of teleworking, eLearning and teleassistance.

The presentation will take place this Tuesday the 16th at 4:30 p.m. at a table moderated by Antonio Ingelmo, coordinator of the Accesibilitech project within the Directorate of Universal Accessibility and Innovation of the ONCE Foundation. It will feature speeches by Enrique García, a technician from the Fundación ONCE’s Accessible Technology department; Jose Usero, Senior Project Manager at DigitalEurope, and Miguel González, Knowledge and E-Learning Officer at the European Association of Service Providers for People with Disabilities (EASPD).

Its general objective is to define, validate and implement an advanced methodology (manual and automatic) to identify, analyze, disseminate and transfer innovative experiences that use technology to guarantee accessibility for people with disabilities in the areas of teleworking, eLearning and telecare.

As a result of this technology, its promoters explain, a manual evaluation methodology will be obtained, as well as an automatic evaluation tool based on machine learning that will have a website where the detected and evaluated actions can be visualized on a map.

In addition, a Knowledge Hub will be launched, on inclusive and accessible technological solutions with the idea of defining innovative and optimal forms of collaboration. The ultimate goal is to promote the scalability, transfer and replicability of inclusive and accessible technological solutions.

Once the project is presented, a form will be enabled so that those companies, entities, experts, developers who wish to do so can send information about their products, solutions or services. In this way, after being evaluated by the Accesibilitech team, they will be included in the platform where appropriate.

The core of the project, the ONCE Foundation emphasizes, is the development of a search engine for solutions in the fields of teleworking, eLearning and teleassistance.

“The data search is done on the internet through AI, but it will also be obtained through forms in which developers can send information about their projects, products and solutions. The idea is that no one is excluded because, for example, they don’t have a website”, explains Antonio Ingelmo, project coordinator.

The project is funded by the European Union within the framework of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program (2014-2020). The consortium is made up of Fundación ONCE, which is leading the project, accompanied by Inserta Innovación, DigitalEurope (European organization that represents the digital technology industry) and EASPD (European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities/European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities). for People with Disabilities). It has the collaboration of EDF (European Disability Forum), Social Economy Europe and the European Foundation Centre.

Before the presentation of the project at the ONCE Foundation congress, a conference on ‘Accessibility in the model of smart tourist destinations’ will take place, by Enrique Martínez, president of Segittur, who will advance the need to work together ” to achieve a more accessible tourism, leaving differences aside and accepting diversity”.

For this reason, it will explain how the model of smart tourist destinations includes accessibility as one of the five axes that make up the DTI methodology, where 262 indicators are evaluated, of which 43 correspond to the implementation and management of accessibility in the destination.

More information on the website of the Conference on Technology and Tourism for Diversity

Video Accessibilitech project

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