Led by Fundación ONCE, ACCESSIBILITECH aims to raise awareness among suppliers, product and service developers of the importance of generating accessible technologies. The ACCESSIBILITECH project, led by the ONCE Foundation, presented the first version of a European map of accessible technologies that includes solutions applicable in fields such as education, …
ACCESSIBILITECH project presents the first version of a map of accessible technologies
The project ACCESSIBILITECH, led by Fundación ONCE, presents the first version of an innovative map of accessible technologies in an online event to be held on Thursday 17 February from 10 to 11:30h (CET). The map has been designed to gather information on accessible technology solutions at any level of …
Do you want to give visibility to your accessible technology project?
The European project Accessibilitech (Advanced Methodologies to Identify, Assess and Transfer Innovative Solutions for the Accessibility of People with Disability), led by ONCE Foundation, has set up a form for developers to submit information about their accessible solutions. The aim is to design a map of accessible technologies that are easy to replicate …
Continue reading “Do you want to give visibility to your accessible technology project?”
ONCE Foundation presents ‘ACCESIBILITECH’, a project that includes the most innovative accessible technology in the areas of telework, eLearning and teleassistance.
At the IV International Conference on Technology and Tourism for Diversity, which is being held online until Friday Fundación ONCE presents this afternoon within the framework of the IV International Conference on Technology and Tourism for Diversity ‘Accesibilitech’, a project that includes the most innovative accessible technology in the areas …