
Advanced methodologies for identifying, evaluating and transferring innovative solutions for accessibility for people with disabilities.

Launch of AccessibleEU (European Accessibility Centre)

“The European Accessibility Centre (AccessibleEU) is one of the key initiatives proposed in the European Disability Strategy 2021-2030 by the European Commission. The consortium working on this project is formed by ENAT, EASPD, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, UNE, and led by the Fundación ONCE. Fundación ONCE invites you to …

A consortium led by ONCE Foundation has been selected to create the European Accessibility Resource Centre, ‘AccessibleEU’

The creation of ‘AccessibleEU’ and the consortium is one of the flagship initiatives proposed by the European Commission in the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030. It will serve to increase the coherence of accessibility policies and facilitate access to relevant knowledge. ‘AccessibleEU’ will bring together national …

ACCESSIBILITECH Project publishes its results

ACCESSIBILITECH project, led by Fundación ONCE, has published its results after two years of work. The project findings will contribute to advance accessibility in technologies for telework, e-learning and telecare. One of the project’s main conclusions is that there is still a need to design effective strategies to raise awareness …

Accessibilitech project holds its final conference in Brussels

Final Conference recorded sessions are available in the project’s event page Accessibilitech project held its final conference on 18 January 2023 at the Microsoft Centre in Brussels. The event was attended by several accessibility experts and professionals. The conference aimed to provide a space for discussing accessibility issues, presenting good …


SAVE THE DATE (18th January 2023) ACCESSIBITECH FINAL CONFERENCE Microsoft Center Brussels, Rue Montoyer 51, 1000 Brussels Accessibility: how persons with disabilities face the digital divide in telework, eLearning and Telecare The event will focus on the importance of developing accessible and inclusive technologies in Telework, eLearning and online care …

Accessibilitech presents its Hackathon winners

Fundación ONCE, Digital Europe and EASPD announced the winners of project Accessibilitech Hackathon, that was held on June 22, 2022. The event, powered by Microsoft, aimed to engage the programming community in the design of inclusive solutions to encourage ICT industry and business communities to develop more accessible products and …

ACCESSIBILITECH’s Mapping Tool, available for consulting

Madrid – March 23, 2022 – ACCESSIBILITECH project’s mapping tool is already available for consulting. The map has been designed to gather data on accessible technological solutions, at all levels of maturity, with potential to improve the experience of all people in Telework, eLearning and Telecare. Its main goal is …

The ACCESSIBILITECH project presents a EUROPEAN MAP of accessible technologies for education, telework or teleassistance.

Led by Fundación ONCE, ACCESSIBILITECH aims to raise awareness among suppliers, product and service developers of the importance of generating accessible technologies. The ACCESSIBILITECH project, led by the ONCE Foundation, presented the first version of a European map of accessible technologies that includes solutions applicable in fields such as education, …

ACCESSIBILITECH project presents the first version of a map of accessible technologies

The project ACCESSIBILITECH, led by Fundación ONCE, presents the first version of an innovative map of accessible technologies in an online event to be held on Thursday 17 February from 10 to 11:30h (CET). The map has been designed to gather information on accessible technology solutions at any level of …

Do you want to give visibility to your accessible technology project?

The European project Accessibilitech (Advanced Methodologies to Identify, Assess and Transfer Innovative Solutions for the Accessibility of People with Disability), led by ONCE Foundation, has set up a form for developers to submit information about their accessible solutions. The aim is to design a map of accessible technologies that are easy to replicate …